Cosmetic and Reconstructive Facial Surgery
Orbit and Tear Duct Surgery
Laser Skin Resurfacing
We Treat You Like Family
Our clinic was designed and built with the simple mission of providing the highest level of care and treating every patient as if they are a family member. We reject the current trends in medicine of large offices and unnecessary overhead costs which lead to rushed assembly-line appointments, inflated prices and impersonal care. We do not advertise; we rely on our results and exceptional service to earn recommendations from fellow physicians and our patients.

Oculofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
Dr. Neimkin is is one of the few oculoplastic surgeons accredited by the American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ASOPRS), the governing body of the field. He completed his fellowship training at Washington University in St. Louis. His practice focuses exclusively on the eyelids, eyebrows, forehead, orbits, tear ducts and mid-face. He has performed over 8,000 surgical procedures.